Written by Rabbi Cobi Ebrahimoff
Rabbi Cobi Ebrahimoff is UK Director of Education at The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, where his primary focus is to bring the teachings of Rabbi Sacks into schools and spearhead the development of innovative educational resources.
Within living memory of the Holocaust, after which the world vowed “never again,” antisemitism has returned.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks offers a unique approach for students to understand why antisemitism is a danger for every single member of British society. In this four part series of lessons, students will explore:
- What is antisemitism?
- The stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination that Jewish people face
- The evolution of antisemitism and how it affects Jewish people today
- How antisemitism may affect them and how to combat it
Antisemitism is complex and often contradictory, making it difficult to define. Historically, Jews were persecuted for opposing reasons – being both poor and rich, communists and capitalists, isolated and too integrated.
So, what is antisemitism? It’s not just disliking someone for being different – that’s xenophobia. And it’s not simply criticising Israel – that’s part of democratic debate. Antisemitism is far more dangerous. It’s about persecuting Jews and denying them the right to exist as Jews, with the same rights as everyone else.
Over time, antisemitism has evolved, shifting from religious persecution in the Middle Ages to racial hatred in the 19th and 20th centuries, and now, targeting Israel’s right to exist. This new antisemitism uses human rights as a guise for prejudice.
Why should this matter to all of us? Antisemitism reflects a broader inability to accept difference. History shows that hate starting with Jews never ends with Jews. It’s a warning sign of threats to freedom, humanity, and the dignity of difference – issues that concern us all. That’s why combating antisemitism is a fight we must undertake together.
The Rabbi Sacks Legacy (RSL) is proud to present a new PSHE curriculum designed to provide a comprehensive framework for educating students about the historical and contemporary aspects of antisemitism through the prism of Rabbi Sacks’ unique approach. The curriculum aims to enrich students’ understanding of moral responsibility and create a deep appreciation of social diversity.
The curriculum meets Ofsted’s requirements to promote SMSC (Spiritual, moral, social, and cultural) development and fundamental British values. Under Section 5 inspections, Ofsted will consider how British values are promoted within schools, including the importance of tackling dis- crimination. Education on antisemitism directly supports these objectives, demonstrating the school’s commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students.
Designed for teachers by teachers, the RSL PSHE curriculum comes complete with all the resources needed for seamless implementation. Teachers are provided with:
- Fully developed lesson plans with clear learning objectives aligned with SMSC and Departmental requirements.
- Differentiated activities to challenge higher-ability students and support those who need additional help, ensuring inclusivity in every classroom.
- Interactive multimedia content to engage students and bring complex topics to life.
- Assessment for learning tools to measure student progress and reinforce key challenges and benefits of living in a diverse society.
- Detailed teacher not and PowerPoint presentations, making it easy to deliver high-quality lessons with confidence.
To support high-quality delivery, teachers have access to high-quality training sessions and the opportunity to book expert-led workshops, ensuring that the curriculum is not only implemented effectively but also becomes an integral part of the school’s ethos.
In today’s educational landscape, the responsibility of promoting fundamental British values within schools has never been more significant. The Department for Education mandates that all schools actively promote values such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values are integral to students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) development, forming the foundation of a cohesive and inclusive society.
The RSL PSHE curriculum empowers schools to fulfil these essential requirements. Developed with the insights of Rabbi Sacks, a leading voice in fostering interfaith dialogue and understanding, this curriculum is designed to address the challenges of antisemitism while broadening students’ understanding of diversity and respect for all.
Promoting Mutual Respect and Tolerance
At the core of the curriculum is the “dignity of difference” principle, a concept championed by Rabbi Sacks. Through this lens, students are encouraged to explore and appreciate the benefits of our diverse society. The curriculum challenges students to confront prejudice, including antisemitism, and embrace differences with dignity.
Fostering Individual Liberty
The curriculum empowers students to think critically about the world around them, promoting individual liberty by encouraging them to form opinions.
Reinforcing the values of Democracy and the Rule of Law
The curriculum highlights the importance of the rule of law in protecting individual rights and minorities. It also promotes democratic values by encouraging discussions and debates, respecting different viewpoints, and understanding the processes that uphold democracy.
Enhancing SMSC Development
Through carefully structured sessions with clear learning objectives, differentiated tasks, and comprehensive assessment opportunities, students are guided to reflect on their moral responsibilities, develop social awareness, and cultivate a deep understanding of cultural diversity.
The RSL PSHE curriculum is more than just a teaching tool. It’s a commitment to fostering a school environment where every student learns the value of respect, tolerance, and moral responsibility. By integrating this curriculum into your school’s PSHE sessions, you are meeting Ofsted’s requirements and playing a vital role in shaping a generation that values diversity and upholds the principles of a just and inclusive society.
Build bridges. Break barriers. Adopt the RSL PSHE curriculum today!