AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools)
The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance.
The charitable objects of AGBIS are the advancement of education and the promotion of good governance in independent schools.
- Training seminars for new and experienced Governors, webinars on a variety of topics and free eLearning courses on Safeguarding and for New Governors.
- An advisory service on all aspects of governing schools via telephone, email and the website.
- ‘Guidelines for Governors’ (Published March 2019) a manual of good practice.
- Annual survey of salaries and benefits of heads and bursars.
- eNewsletters to keep governors informed on current topics of interest and/or concern.
- On-site and virtual training for governing bodies, leading governors' strategy days and reviews of governance for schools usually over two days.
- Annual conference and AGM for representatives of member schools.
- Maintaining a list of potential new governors.
- Model contracts for teachers, heads and bursars and other standard employment documents and model documentation for governance, including terms of reference for governors' committees.
*Some of the AGBIS services are offered for a fee.
AGBIS is a registered charity (No 1108756) and company (No 0521716) limited by guarantee governed by a Board which meets at least once every school term. Board members are nominated by school governing bodies and serve initially for a three year period. The Board is advised by three committees: Training and Membership, Nominations and Governance and Finance.
The AGBIS Board includes three honorary officers:
Chair: Mark Taylor (Tring School for the Performing Arts)
Deputy Chair: David Taylor (Queen Anne‘s School Caversham)
Treasurer: Sarah Phillips (King Alfred School)
Chief Executive: Richard Harman
Director of Training: Cheryl Connelly
The Grange, 3 Codicote Road, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL6 9LY. Tel: 01438 840730