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Aluna Behaviour Consultancy

As a Behaviour Consultant and Strategist with 30 years’ experience in teaching I have a range of skills, comprehensive knowledge and expertise to provide specialist support for schools, families, professionals and adults in promoting positive and inclusive behaviour. I endeavour to communicate the need for intervention at the earliest stage possible to affect behavioural change for the better.

In addition to whole school support, parental engagement and enhancing pupils’ behaviour for learning, I develop interventions for individual pupils presenting with challenging behaviours and explore the motivations for this. I have a particular interest in children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. My work has a positive impact on addressing persistent disruptive behaviour, whole-school approaches and effective strategies for pupils of all ages; particularly children with Neurodivergent conditions and those at risk of exclusion.

I provide a wide range of training packages and workshops for young people, school staff, parents and professionals which are interactive and delivered with the specific audience in mind. Courses are tailored accordingly with bespoke packages devised where requested. I am committed to equity, diversity and inclusive practice and to supporting children who are marginalised in any way. I set out to challenge the approach to children who are continuing to be excluded from school and I believe in the rights of all children to be represented in education. Supporting the positive regulation of behaviour and of inclusion, diversity and anti-racist practice are vital factors in all areas of my work.

I am a volunteer Appeals Panel Member, a Volunteer Speaker and Community Ambassador for The Children’s Society. I work alongside Early Help, BRIG (Birmingham Race Impact Group), BAMEEd (Black and Minority Ethnic Educators) and the Westminster Education Forum, all of which underpin the ethos of my organisation.

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