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Cultural Nexus Ltd

Cultural Nexus Ltd. is about connecting people through difference. People are our passion. We value diversity, break boundaries and leverage the power of being unique.

The founder, Cecilia Harvey has had the privilege of working across diverse industries and cultures, solidifying her belief that differences are not only valuable, but essential. Cultural Nexus Ltd, is driven by the conviction that individuals and their unique identities are assets to be celebrated and leveraged for collective growth, societal impact, knowledge sharing and innovation.

When you are committed and excited about creating inclusive workplaces, we are too. At Cultural Nexus, we work with you to assess, review, and measure your ED&I efforts, striving for continuous improvement and celebrating successes. We will support you in establishing your starting point, planning your trajectory and creating or reviewing your ED&I strategy. Our focus will then turn to growing awareness and capabilities through engaging interactive workshops, The GC Index and Cultural Intelligence (CQ) assessments, mentoring programmes and setting up and empowering ERGs (employee resource Groups) or ED&I Committees, to help you drive change. All our work is bespoke to your organisation because we really care about building relationships with those who we support. Our work can be delivered in English, Italian and French.

By the time you are ready to fly solo, you will have the skills and knowledge to ensure your organisation will be inclusive, resilient and in full thrive-mode because of the richness of diversity you will have nurtured.

Our Blogs and articles can be found on LinkedIn. Please also take a look at our Testimonial page on the website.

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