Judaism, Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment
I have worked with many primary and secondary schools, addressing Year 4-8 classes on Judaism and its Customs/Traditions, with my family story being the centrepiece of my presentations. This presentation is also suitable for Years 7-8.
For the past 10 years, I have been visiting over 160 schools within the UK, delivering presentations on The Holocaust and Antisemitism from a personal viewpoint. I tell my own family story, being the son and grandson of refugees from Nazi Germany. My Great-Grandma survived the camps while my Great Aunt and Uncle perished in Auschwitz. I myself have been the victim of prejudice both at school and in my professional career as a teacher, with over 25 years’ experience.
I feel that my personal experience, background and observations would be invaluable in this respect. As well as personal visits, I have put together a series of Powerpoint presentations aimed at different year group combinations (Years 7-13), which can also be accessed via Zoom or Teams – Judaism, The Holocaust and Antisemitism:A Personal Journey.
My newest presentation, The History of Antisemitism from Medieval Times to the Present Day, is particularly valid for Year 9 students and above. With antisemitism increasing in many places across the world, especially in the UK, I take a personal journey through myths and stereotypes that are still being perpetrated today and ask what we can do to focus attention on the more extreme acts of prejudice. This would be a 50 minute presentation with time for questions at the end. So far, the presentation has made a big impression with many schools.