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Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

As facilitators we have been careful to construct a programme that recognises the ongoing nature of this work. Our delivery is sensitive to the fact that not every school is where they want to be and so with a non-judgemental and practical approach the programme will support each school that we work with to set out their current roadblocks and plan a sustainable route map.

We believe that supporting and challenging individuals in their beliefs around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) matters, as well as ensuring cultural commitment to the work at a strategic level, are the best means of securing safe and inclusive schools for the whole community.

This programme is to support schools who want to develop their DEI efforts and who are ready to nominate, develop and remunerate a DEI leader. The programme consists of 10 sessions, delivered virtually, with intersessional tasks to complete:
  • Introduction Session
  • Session 1: Context: Making the political case - Human Rights / Case Law
  • Session 2: Context: Making the political personal - The Social Justice Case
  • Intersessional work – Audit the staff culture
  • Session 3: Exploring: Staff feelings about DEI culture (reflecting on the audits)
  • Session 4: Developing: Training and Support for staff – The Plan
  • Session 5: Exploring: Why diversify the curriculum?
  • Intersessional work – Audit the curriculum
  • Session 6: Developing: Diversifying the curriculum - The Plan
  • Session 7: Exploring: How do our policies and procedures, vision and values support our ambitions for DEI in our schools?
  • Session 8: Embedding: Drawing together the plan, identifying the strategic leadership of the plan
  • Celebration Session

We run open cohorts where you can book a place or places for colleagues to network with other DEI leaders, or we can create a bespoke set of dates for a closed cohort where a cluster, a trust, a locality or a teaching school alliance buys 20 places.

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Watch Our DEI Leaders Q&A with Angie and Hannah

This course has helped to empower DEI conversations both personal and professional. It offers practical ways of promoting DEI in a school context and understands the challenges and pressures that may be faced.

Ana-Maria Fernandez, Head of Year

This programme has facilitated personal and organisation-wide growth and learning. It has been instrumental in supporting our ambitions around DEI and, as a result, is increasing diversity and inclusion MAT-wide.

Antonia Spinks, Co-CEO