Our Embedding Diversity in the Curriculum Training
Our Embedding Diversity in the Curriculum Training
Our Training Offer
We support primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and special schools with their Diversity in the Curriculum training needs.
We facilitate core diversifying the curriculum sessions for teachers, trainee teachers and curriculum leaders.
We can deliver face-to-face or virtual INSET and twilight professional learning sessions.
In this session, we deliver an in depth look at practical ways in which you can diversify the curriculum.
- Establishing an overview of the social and moral imperative behind diversity in the curriculum
- Examining how diversifying the curriculum can avoid tokenism and align with current ideas in curriculum theory
- Sharing practical strategies for how schools can successfully navigate process of diversifying the curriculum
- Sharing insights into how to evaluate your current curriculum
- Reviewing clear, defined and cross-phase/subject strategies that can be applied in adapting the curriculum.
We were delighted with the dynamic, purposeful and well-informed presentation at our DEI conference which will have impacted on everyone present.
Ruth Argyle, SCITT Director
Bennie provided an outstanding start to our year, giving our staff a myriad of ideas and concepts which they can use on the long journey to a more diverse curriculum. She was highly knowledgeable, but also wore her expertise with a humility and practicality that made staff believe that they could make real progress.
Heath Monk, CEO, British School in the Netherlands
Bennie’s training session on Diversity in the Curriculum was truly excellent! Her lively and passionate manner of speaking ensured that everyone was fully engaged throughout the session. She shared a wealth of relevant and thought-provoking ideas that teachers can implement in order to develop diversity and create an inclusive curriculum. Highly recommended!
Nicola Dunaway, DEI Coordinator, Head of Department for Humanities & Teacher of History