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Our Thriving in Life-Friendly Schools Training

Our Thriving in Life-Friendly Schools Training

Our Training Offer

We support all stakeholders in becoming more conscious of the impact that a life-friendly school culture can have on employees.

Building confidence in how to do things differently in how we recruit, retain and develop our staff will enable us to review our talent management strategy.

Developing competence in reviewing policies through a life-friendly lens and in approaching contracts and timetabling differently empowers us to do things differently to create a more flexible workforce.

We will explore your workplace culture and get you to consider how life-friendly approaches will support your recruitment and retention strategies.

We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

Our Training Session Includes

  • Outlining the current recruitment and retention landscape
  • Exploring the reasons why are we losing so many mid-career teachers
  • Reviewing the research and gaining insight from research findings into who is leaving the profession
  • Discussing what “life friendly” mean, and how “life friendly” schools attract and retain teachers and leaders
  • Reflecting on interactive case studies, using life friendly leadership strategies to explore new approaches to teacher wellbeing and retention
  • Discussing what needs to be done to improve communication between schools and teachers to address the retention crisis
  • Reflecting on how a positive school culture that supports teachers as they become parents does not just benefit mothers and fathers
  • Engaging with the practical strategies to improve balance for all staff, that will help colleagues, whatever their role or level of responsibility, to create “life friendly” schools

The #DiverseEd training was excellent – it challenged us to think about ourselves and our school critically through the lens of ‘being curious’ which was so helpful. It encourages critical reflection in a low-threat way.

Claire Tasker, Headteacher

The series of webinars have been invaluable. They have made us as a school develop our thinking, become more conscious of additional barriers and most importantly developed confidence and competence in staff.

Francesca Porta-Rios, Inclusion Assistant Headteacher

Diverse Educators came highly recommended and they certainly did not disappoint on the Inset day, engaging all staff in a meaningful and informative way. As former teachers who occupied senior positions, they were able to speak with real authority, humanity and clarity.

Caroline Bond, Assistant Headteacher

The training session from Diverse Educators delivered everything that it promised to do. Not only did we gain the valuable insight of a well-informed and engaging speaker, we also took away a lot of new ideas for our school to develop upon. The CPD has provided the perfect springboard to further conversations and actions to improve the inclusivity of our school environment.

Tom Guest, Head of History and DEI Lead