Patrick Ottley-O'Connor
Patrick Ottley-O'Connor

Coaching Bio
Patrick is a leadership development coach for many aspiring, new and experienced headteachers/SLT and CEOs, particularly those facing significant challenges both in the UK and internationally. He adopts a responsive Mentoring, Advice & Coaching (MAC) approach that is adaptive & bespoke to meet the needs of his clients.
Coaching Experience
Patrick initially coached elite sports people in the 1990s/2000s, before moving into education leadership development coaching in 2005. Since 2010, he has been involved in a variety of coaching programmes, including Future Leaders & Teaching Leaders programmes and since 2015 has been involved in coaching cohorts of NPQH & NPQEL participants.
His main coaching is now with headteachers and their teams, as well as with CEOs, their leadership teams and principals. He works both in the UK and internationally, including Vietnam, Canada, USA & India.
Career Experience
Patrick recently retired as a teacher after 36 years, including 30 years as a senior leader & 19 years as a Principal/Executive Principal in secondary, primary and special schools. He now provides bespoke coaching & leadership development packages for MATs and schools
He uses his allyship and advocacy to champion diversity, equity and inclusion within education e.g. Patrick has recently coached his 65th woman into a headship, executive headship &/or CEO role. His allyship work in coaching is cited in a variety of education leadership books, keynotes etc and he recently contributed as #HeForShe to the Diverse Educators: A Manifesto.
Coaching Qualifications
Group Coaching
Coaching Accreditations
The majority of my coaching accreditation was via the programmes I have delivered eg Future Leaders and Teaching Leaders.
Patrick has been a reliable and high quality facilitator for senior leadership, middle leadership and headship programmes at Ambition Institute (and our previous organisations The Future Leaders Trust and Teaching Leaders) for many years.
When facilitating for our organisation he typically receives strong participant feedback scores and is always able draw on his own extensive experience while conveying high quality content in an engaging way. Indeed, Patrick is one of our higher scoring facilitators across our Senior & Middle Leadership programmes, and is well respected by participants and his facilitator colleagues, as our evaluation feedback always shows.
Patrick also served as a coach and mentor for participants moving into headship and played a key role in the journey of some of our current headteachers. He has supported the Future Leaders Programme and Ambition Institute over the years in his capacity as:
- A coach and mentor for aspiring and newly appointed heads
- Designing and developing programme content
- Delivering content
- Leading International study tour groups
- Assessing candidates for the programme
- Serving as an integral part of our Middle Leadership programme facilitator team of external coaching consultants, covering Secondary and Primary phase seminars across the North of England.
Patrick’s energy and passion come through in all that he does. He has a great deal to offer as a teacher, facilitator, coach and as a leader. We have also valued his strong personal values and moral purpose, championing improved outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, as well as diversity in educational leadership and staff health and wellbeing.
Brenna Torrance, Director, Programmes, Ambition Institute
I have known Patrick for over 10 years and have always found his coaching to be rewarding. Patrick is an excellent listener and is an intuitive coach, over the years he has helped me to reflect on my leadership skills and career journey, in what has always been a safe yet challenging environment. Patrick has the natural ability to make you recognise your own potential and help to guide you towards it. I have always felt empowered through Patricks coaching skills and he has helped bring clarity to my own areas of development. His flexible and objective approach enabled me to see a clearer path both in solving leadership issues and achieving my personal development goals. I have always found the experience of being coached by Patrick extremely positive.
Melanie Wicks, Executive Principal
I first met Patrick when he was commissioned to lead professional development at an international school I was working at in Vietnam. I was new to a position with leadership responsibility and received coaching from Patrick. Four years later, I still draw on strategies learnt during that early conversation with Patrick, which centered on finding ways to move from surviving to thriving in my new role, while being mindful of maintaining my own wellbeing. I reach out to Patrick whenever I want/need coaching. Knowing colleagues who have received coaching from Patrick, we all collectively agree that Patrick’s approach to coaching is very tailored to your individual needs. Patrick is a wonderful listener who quickly helps you find a solution-focused route forward, and then generously gives of his time to support you in achieving your goals. Patrick’s reassuring and affirming coaching helps me trouble-shoot any challenges, refine my interview technique, and regain an optimistic outlook from a supportive sounding board. I would highly recommend coaching with Patrick.
Jane Barrowcliff, Senior Leader