Solutions Not Sides
Solutions Not Sides is an education programme which focuses on giving British teenagers the chance to talk about Israel – Palestine in a safe space, based on speaking to Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilders who come into the classroom. It exists to provide humanising encounters, diverse narratives and critical-thinking tools in order to empower young people with the knowledge, empathy and skills to promote dialogue and conflict resolution, and to challenge prejudice in the UK. Solutions Not Sides aims to tackle antisemitism, Islamophobia and polarisation. The non-partisan programme has been formulated with the input of both Israelis and Palestinians as well as senior members of Jewish and Muslim communities, and is designed to prepare students to make a positive, solutions-focused contribution to activism and discussion on Israel – Palestine. We use critical thinking tools with the aim of shifting attitudes away from supporting one side against the other, and towards seeking a solution for the human beings involved. Solutions Not Sides has delivered conflict resolution training, provided educational workshops, and facilitated discussion on the conflict in the UK since 2010, engaging thousands of young people in the process.
Our innovative approach includes training opportunities for teachers, educational sessions for school students & youth groups, online resources, and of course the chance to hear first-hand perspectives from young Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilders.
Alongside our Youth Education Programme, we offer teacher training, a student leadership programme every summer for 16-19 year olds, and our Olive Branch Award for schools who wish to embed our work across the whole school community. We also have a huge range of free resources for teachers & students on our website and social media pages.