Step Up Network Logo

Step Up Network

A new network for new and aspiring leaders in education. We cover all phases and leadership ‘levels’ but we focus more so on those starting at middle and then senior levels. We are a grassroots network ran by volunteers.

Our Why:
Leadership can sometimes be a lonely place. It can be scary, when you’re trained as a teacher and not as a leader, particularly in the early part of your career. Leadership can sometimes not be diverse. Leadership can negatively impact on your wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be this way.

Our Ways of Working:
We aid our community by our five ways of working: Networking – providing a safe space within our network; Connecting – through our events and regional networks; Supporting – through the leadership directory on our website; Sharing – through our blogs and e-newsletters; and Collaborating – through linking with and signposting to and from other networks and organisations.

Our Themes:
The content we produce for our network surrounds five key themes: Leadership Journeys, Leadership Barriers, Leadership Development, Leadership Diversity and Leadership Wellbeing. When speakers for our events or writers for our blog volunteer for us, we ask that they speak to at least one of the five themes.

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