DEIB Leaders' Toolkit

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DEIB Leaders' Toolkit

DEIB Leaders' Toolkit

Toolkit collated by Hannah Wilson

What Is a DEIB Leader?

DEIB leaders are champions for marginalised groups, actively seeking their voices and experiences. They leverage these diverse perspectives to drive innovation, a win-win for creativity, belonging and business growth.

What Does a DEIB Leader Do?

A DEIB Leader works in collaboration with multiple stakeholders and oversees diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging activities at all levels from the Governance and Executive Leadership through to Employee Network Groups. They are an expert advocate who can equip and educate the team to create the most inclusive experience for all employees.

What Are the Skills that a DEIB Leader Needs?

DEIB leaders excel at active listening, creating spaces where employees from all backgrounds feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. A DEIB Leader authentically commits to diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging. They seek to understand other cultures, challenge the status quo, and be an advocate of equity for all. They can navigate difficult conversations about bias and microaggressions with empathy and respect.

Find out more via this article about the qualities of a successful DEIB Leader.

How Do You Get a Job as a DEIB Leader?

The path to becoming a diversity and inclusion manager usually involves obtaining a degree in a field such as human resources, sociology or business studies, gaining relevant work experience and pursuing professional certifications or postgraduate qualifications.

You can often gain relevant experience at university, through equality and diversity committees or related societies. Alternatively, voluntary work in the community can be helpful. You could seek work experience in a relevant position, either in an equality and diversity role or in something related, such as HR.

What Are the Key Responsibilities of a DEIB Leader?

  • To create and implement a diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging strategy for the organisation, building a framework that aligns with goals and priorities.
  • To work closely with key stakeholders, including HR, talent, finance, procurement, marketing and environmental, social and governance functions.
  • To ensure that the needs of all people and communities are met in a responsive and respectful way.
  • To be aware of their own behaviours and cultural values and understand implications of these for making respectful, reflective and reasoned choices.
  • To understand the impact of organisational systems, processes and cultures.

The Diverse Educators’ DEIB Leaders’ Toolkit

We are collating a growing bank of resources to support you in reflecting on the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be/ become a DEIB Leader?
  • How have you committed to championing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in your workplace?
  • What leadership skills and experience can you bring to the role of the DEIB Leader?
  • What impact have you had in creating a more inclusive approach to leadership?
  • What lived experiences do you bring to the role of DEIB Leader to shape your understanding of marginalised identities?
  • What training have you engaged in to develop your consciousness, confidence and competence as a DEIB Leader?


Center for Creative Leadership

5 Powerful Ways to Take REAL Action on DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)



Three Characteristics Of Effective DEI Leadership


Harvard Business Review

Why DEI Leaders Are Burning Out – and How Organizations Can Help


Harvard Business Review

Overcoming Today’s DEI Leadership Challenges


McKinsey & Co

Unlocking the Potential of Chief Diversity Officers



Strategies for Effective DEI Leadership



Andersen, Heidi

Diversity Intelligence


Battye, Gina

The Authentic Organisation


Garrod, Catherine

Conscious Inclusion


Malone, Tony

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Malone, Tony

The Diversity & Inclusion Glossary


McKenzie Delis, Leila

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging


Steele, Yvette

Impactful Inclusion Toolkit


Sweeney, Charlotte

Inclusive Leadership


Thompson, Jason

Diversity and Inclusion Matters



Code Switch


DEI after 5


Inclusion Inc - Diversity at Work


Leaders for Good - Inclusion a Work


The Element of Inclusion


The Will to Change



All Inclusive

The Untold Realities of DEI Leadership


DEI Career Conversations

Interrupting Bias as a DEI Leader


Reimagining Company Culture

Connect & Be the Change


School of Becoming

Emancipatory Leadership



3 Secrets of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership


Uplifting Impact

How To Be A Responsible DEI Leader


Our Diverse Leaders Training

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Our Diverse Leaders Training

Our Diverse Leaders Training

Our Training Offer

Looking for a programme to inspire and empower you as a diverse educator to develop your skills as a diverse leader?

Looking for an opportunity to be trained, coached and supported by diverse leaders in education?

Looking to build your network, to boost your confience and to hone your skills?

Then this is the leadership development course for you!

  • 6 x 90 min virtual webinars
  • 4 x 60 min virtual 1:1 coaching sessions
Session Themes:
  • Leading with Purpose/ Leading through your Vision, Mission and Values
  • Inclusive/ Authentic/ Empathetic Leadership
  • Closing the Confidence Gap/ Self-advocacy and Visibility
  • Communication Skills for Leaders/ Leading Difficult Conversations
  • Leading Change/ Leading Strategically
  • Application and Interview Skills for Aspiring Senior Leaders
Book Now

This is an amazing course – hearing inspirational stories and guidance from leaders is a great support and has given me new tips to use in my role.

It has been a supportive and helpful programme.

The sequence of the titles/sessions is well linked and ‘seamless’.

Thank you for the valuable training and support.

Strawberry Words Training Consultancy

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Strawberry Words Training Consultancy

Strawberry Words is a training and education company that focuses on improving relationships with self and others and we specialise in antiracism.

We offer training, courses, talks and educational resources that help to develop better communication, empathy, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. Our training is designed to help people grow and develop in areas such as self-awareness, conflict resolution, active listening, and building healthy relationships in various personal and professional settings. We excel in helping people and organisations improve relationships in and between cultures.

We offer a comprehensive online antiracism course. Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. The temptation can be to avoid discussion. However, issues around race seldom disappear. This 2-hour, Time to Talk about Race online CPD accredited course, provides a foundational education on racism to help increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues of race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

Contact Strawberry Words Training Consultancy

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Pop 'n' Olly

Pop'n'Olly logo

Pop 'n' Olly

Pop’n’Olly is the UK’s leading provider of LGBT+ educational resources for primary children, parents, carers and teachers. The company focuses on primary age educational content and have distributed over 30,000 of it’s LGBTQ+ children’s books worldwide, of which over 11,000 have been donated to UK primary schools through our ‘Pride in Primary’ campaign. Millions of people have engaged with Pop’n’Olly’s inclusive YouTube videos and LGBT+ storybooks while our classroom resources have been used by thousands of teachers across the UK.

Whether you are watching our free Youtube videos, reading our LGBT+ inclusive storybooks, our first-of-its-kind introductory guide ‘What Does LGBT+ Mean?’, or using our free classroom resources, there is something everyone. Teachers can also have full access to our classroom resources (designed by teachers, for teachers) which range from full medium term plans and lesson plans to worksheets and activities for all primary ages while also covering National Curriculum targets . We also offer school workshops, staff training and support in having conversations with parents.

Our mission is sparking joy, eradicating shame and empowering all children, teachers, parents & carers through LGBT+ inclusive education and inclusive storytelling. Put simply, Pop’n’Olly’s work exists to save lives and ensure LGBTQ+ people make it to adulthood. No child should experience the shame, secrecy and isolation that so many LGBTQ+ adults have felt growing up. With being the most common form of bullying in UK schools, we want future LGBTQ+ adults to have a fair opportunity at life. We want them to feel inspired, powerful and safe.

Gaydio Award Winner – LGBT+ Enterprise of the Year

Rainbow Honours Award 2024 – Highly Commended Small Brand of the Year

As seen in Metro, The Times, HuffPost, My London, Schools Week, Headteacher Update, Cherubs Magazine, Attitude, Hello Magazine, Pink News and more.

Contact Pop 'n' Olly

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Behind Your Mask

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Behind Your Mask

True, personal stories are remarkably economical in conveying complex messages in graspable ways. Behind Your Mask was set up as a storytelling consultancy to help individuals, businesses, communities, and the general public through media harness the power of personal stories to educate, engage, inspire, and heal.

Founder Dr Lalith Wijedoru is a former consultant paediatrician in emergency medicine from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). He championed staff stories as a way to support staff wellbeing during times of organizational crisis including the global pandemic and Black Lives Matter. He now works full-time across all work sectors helping people craft and share their true personal stories in audio, audio-visual, and written formats.

A lot of the work of Behind Your Mask is in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space. Stories of clients can directly reflect life’s uncomfortable truths in terms of discrimination, but also celebrate and illum the breadth of protected characteristics, identity, and intersectionality.

Lalith has spoken at the Association for the Advancement of International Education, the World Education Summit, the International Baccalaureate Organization, and works with the Educational Collaborative for International Schools. He works with schools both in the UK and overseas as a storyteller, facilitator, and external consultant.

Behind Your Mask is a Strategic Partner of the All-In Diversity Project.

Behind Your Mask was recognised by the Welldoing Inspiration Awards (2024).

Lalith features in podcasts talking about diversity, including Emmy Award-winning US TV chat show host Montel Williams’ ‘Free Thinking’ podcast. He also highlights diversity and inclusion topics in his contributions to the NHS@70 oral history project.

Contact Behind Your Mask

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D I I Verse logo


Why We Exist:
D.I.I.verse is dedicated to fostering environments where D.iversity, I.nclusion, and I.ntersectionality are not just ideals, but lived realities. We exist to challenge systemic inequalities and to amplify the voices of those often marginalised in society.

How We Work:
Our approach is multifaceted and collaborative. We offer tailored workshops, strategic consultations, and comprehensive training programmes designed to equip organisations with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace and promote diversity. By engaging with stakeholders at all levels, we create sustainable change through policy development, community engagement, and continuous support.

What Impact We Have:
D.I.I.verse has a proven track record of working throughout various different professional practice sectors. Our efforts have successfully helped institutions implement policies that reflect true inclusion and have empowered individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive in their environments. Our impact is measured not just in numbers, but in the meaningful change experienced by those we support.

Who We Are:
We are a passionate collective of experts in Diversity, Inclusion, and Intersectionality, each bringing a unique perspective and a wealth of experience. Our team of academics, are committed to creating a more equitable world. We believe in the power of diverse voices and work tirelessly to ensure these voices are heard and valued.




Contact D.I.I.verse

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Cultural Nexus Ltd

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Cultural Nexus Ltd

Cultural Nexus Ltd. is about connecting people through difference. People are our passion. We value diversity, break boundaries and leverage the power of being unique.

The founder, Cecilia Harvey has had the privilege of working across diverse industries and cultures, solidifying her belief that differences are not only valuable, but essential. Cultural Nexus Ltd, is driven by the conviction that individuals and their unique identities are assets to be celebrated and leveraged for collective growth, societal impact, knowledge sharing and innovation.

When you are committed and excited about creating inclusive workplaces, we are too. At Cultural Nexus, we work with you to assess, review, and measure your ED&I efforts, striving for continuous improvement and celebrating successes. We will support you in establishing your starting point, planning your trajectory and creating or reviewing your ED&I strategy. Our focus will then turn to growing awareness and capabilities through engaging interactive workshops, The GC Index and Cultural Intelligence (CQ) assessments, mentoring programmes and setting up and empowering ERGs (employee resource Groups) or ED&I Committees, to help you drive change. All our work is bespoke to your organisation because we really care about building relationships with those who we support. Our work can be delivered in English, Italian and French.

By the time you are ready to fly solo, you will have the skills and knowledge to ensure your organisation will be inclusive, resilient and in full thrive-mode because of the richness of diversity you will have nurtured.

Our Blogs and articles can be found on LinkedIn. Please also take a look at our Testimonial page on the website.

Contact Cultural Nexus Ltd

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NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 2

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NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 2

NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 2

Series 2 of the NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast has 6 episodes. In each episode our co-hosts, Hannah Wilson and James Coleman, have interviewed 2 colleagues on one of the protected characteristics.

Series 2 Episodes

Episode 6 – Religion and Belief


Episode 5 – Exploring Age


Episode 4 – Exploring Gender Identity and Expression


Episode 3 – Exploring Mental Health and Wellbeing


Episode 2 – Exploring Parenthood and Flexible Working


Episode 1 – Exploring Neurodiversity


Series 2 Co-Hosts

Hannah Wilson portrait

Hannah Wilson

James Coleman portrait

James Coleman

Series 2 Guests

Amy Sayer portrait

Amy Sayer

Audrey Pantelis portrait

Audrey Pantelis

Catrina Lowri portrait

Catrina Lowri

Emma Sheppard portrait

Emma Sheppard

Frances Akinde portrait

Frances Akinde

George White portrait

George White

Graihagh Crawshaw-Sadler portrait

Graihagh Crawshaw-Sadler

Kit-Marie Rackley portrait

Kit-Marie Rackley

Lindsay Patience portrait

Lindsay Patience

Lucy Kellaway portrait

Lucy Kellaway

Nadirah Khan portrait

Nadirah Khan

Zahara Chowdhury portrait

Zahara Chowdhury

NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 1

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NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 1

NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast – Series 1

Series 1 of the NASBTT Diversity in ITTE Podcast has 6 episodes. In each episode, our co-hosts Hannah Wilson and James Coleman, have interviewed 2 founders of a grassroots organisation.

Series 1 Episodes

Episode 6 – WomenEd


Episode 5 – Men Teach Primary


Episode 4 – MixEd


Episode 3 – Black Men Teach


Episode 2 – DisabilityEd


Episode 1 – Pride & Progress


Series 1 Co-Hosts

Hannah Wilson portrait

Hannah Wilson

James Coleman portrait

James Coleman

Series 1 Guests

Dr Adam Brett portrait

Dr Adam Brett

Albert Adeyemi portrait

Albert Adeyemi

Jackie Hill portrait

Jackie Hill

Jo Brassington Portrait

Jo Brassington

Johnoi Josephs portrait

Johnoi Josephs

Kiran Satti portrait

Kiran Satti

Louise Cooper portrait

Louise Jaunbocus-Cooper

Marcus Shepherd portrait

Marcus Shepherd

Matt Withers portrait

Matt Withers

Mike Keys portrait

Mike Keys

Ruth Golding portrait

Ruth Golding

Shabnam Cadwallender portrait

Shabnam Cadwallender

Hannah Jepson Coaching Profile

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Hannah Jepson

Hannah Jepson

Hannah Jepson portrait

Coaching Bio

Hannah Jepson is a qualified Organisational Psychologist and has been using a coaching approach to support organisations and individuals for over ten years. Hannah has significant experience in the education sector. In 2018, Hannah founded LGBTed, a national LGBTQ+ network in order to drive meaningful and sustainable social change through enabling greater LGBTQ+ visibility in the education system.

Coaching Experience

Hannah is a published academic author and her work on the career experiences of gay women in the UK has been featured in an international research handbook exploring diversity and careers. Hannah is also the lead coach for the Leeds Beckett national LGBTQ inclusion in education award, a member of the Leeds Beckett LGBTQ+ research centre advisory panel, the Pankhurst Centre’s women’s aid project’s LGBTQ+ inclusion advisory panel and a coach for Pankhurst Centre’s ‘some women coach’ programme.

Career Experience

Hannah is the Director of Engaging for Success, an organisation that supports organisations in becoming more inclusive. Her projects include using a coaching approach to deliver sustainable DEI solutions for organisations including supporting organisations to become LGBTQ+ inclusive; developing inclusive behavioural competency frameworks and recruitment & assessment solutions for leaders in schools and across a range of sectors; consulting with the education sector on the national LGBTQ+ inclusion agenda, providing organisations with support on the development of pan diversity, equity and inclusion strategies and designing bespoke training, leadership and coaching programmes at all levels – with a particular focus on coaching leaders through key career transition points.

Coaching Qualifications

Masters in Coaching

Coaching Accreditations

Fierce Conversations

Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Hannah is an exceptionally gifted coach, she has transformed my approach to leading my own team and carrying out my responsibilities. Her insightful guidance, genuine support and personalised strategies helped me to unlock my potential as a leader- I now have the confidence to begin to inspire those around me. I highly recommend her services to anyone that wants to have a positive impact on their organisation.

Senior Leader, Oasis Community Learning