VbE International

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VbE International

Values-based Education (VbE) is an approach to education for schools and other settings. At its heart, its principles are simple. Yet it has a profound impact on learners, schools and on the wider community. VbE has already transformed many schools by giving learners access to an ethical vocabulary based on human values, such as respect, justice, integrity, harmony, trust and honesty.

VbE empowers educational settings to underpin their life and curriculum with universal positive human values such as respect, integrity, honesty and compassion.

It is an approach that differs from values education in one particular respect. Values education teaches learners about values. Values-based Education provides a teaching environment in which learners experience those positive universal values first hand throughout their schooling.

An effective VbE environment has three core foundations. All adults model the positive universal values that the school community itself has chosen. The values are developed into an ethical vocabulary which empowers learners and staff to articulate basic and advanced ethical concepts.

And the school creates time and space for children to develop reflective practices so their values experiences can be processed into a living guide to self- and interpersonal awareness. The outcome of developing such an ethical vocabulary is ethical intelligence, which Neil Hawkes, founder of VbE, argues is the most important intelligence for the sustainability of our world.

The ethical vocabulary is the foundation of a new universal narrative through which all human beings, irrespective of culture; religion or ethnicity can communicate, thereby establishing trust and wellbeing.

The outcome of Values-based Education is self-leadership, which enables each individual to work towards fulfilling their wonderful potential.

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EqualiTeach is a not-for-profit organisation providing high quality, interactive training and support on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion.  Our vision is an equal, inclusive and diverse society where everyone is valued and able to succeed.

We offer workshops for young people, adult training including online training and e-learning courses, and consultancy services for schools and organisations.

Alongside these we develop innovative resources to support school teams in creating inclusive school environments, including lesson plans and whole-school guidance. We also run an Equalities Award scheme for schools, to recognise and celebrate schools’ commitment to equality!

We understand that every organisation is different. To ensure that our services are fully tailored to your needs, we consult with staff, listen to concerns and work collaboratively to develop bespoke solutions.

Our Equalities Award scheme supports schools to embed a whole-school good practice approach to equality and diversity. Each school works with a dedicated member of our team to audit their whole school practice and approach, recognising the great work being done, and building on it with tailored advice and guidance. Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are available, allowing schools to build upon their commitment to equality over time.

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Young Black Teachers Network (YBTN)

YBTN started in December 2018 and we exist to support, empower and equip Black teachers in England to be the best educators they can be, progress into leadership and to understand the impact we have on our students, more specifically young black boys and girls.

Our overall goal is to welcome those with a passion for young people into the profession, retain those who are already in the profession by ensuring they feel valued and are aware of opportunities into leadership, working closely with teaching and non-teaching staff, local authorities, outside agencies and those in government. We aim to build a network of Black professionals represented at all levels in the education sector. This is needed to raise aspirations of the next generation and ourselves.

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WomenEd England

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WomenEd England

WomenEd is celebrating its fifth anniversary and it is now a truly global organisation. WomenEd England was developed to ensure that whilst WomenEd is working with countries on every continent there needed to be a network for England which matches the national WomenEd networks in the rest of the UK. WomenEd England is committed to supporting all of the WomenEd campaigns which are: Increase women’s representation in leadership roles, reduce gender pay gaps, increase flexible working practices, and the 20-21 campaign focusing on increasing diversity in workplaces and supporting leadership development and opportunities for BAME Women.

The WomenEdEngland Team are:

  • Amanda Costello
  • Paula Delaney
  • Christalla Jamil
  • Ruth Golding
  • Victoria O’Farrell
  • Claire Price
  • Mareme Mufwoko

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The Values and Visions Foundation

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The Values and Visions Foundation

Values and Visions is a book, a website, and an in-service training programme. Together they deliver a way of working which can transform people and schools.

We provide educators with the tools to develop young people’s inner strength, nurture their spirit of hope, and empower them to be part of creating a sustainable future, both for themselves and the community around them.

Our activities enable you to get back in touch with what really matters to you and to your group: your values. Values give us the power to transform problems into quite remarkable outcomes that not only resolve the problem itself but also bring rich learning. Values are at the heart of everything we do.

If we’re to find peace in a peaceless world; if we’re to be effective in a volatile global landscape; if we’re to be happy in a society based on materialism that actively fosters discontent and stress, we, and our children, need to know ourselves, to understand our own values, and to have a clear vision for changing things for the better.

With testimonials from internationally recognized educators, and decades of experience in classrooms across the world, we believe the time is right to reconnect with your Values and create a Vision for the change they can bring.

More than 30 years’ experience of working with schools and organisations in the public and private sector.

Two books and numerous articles: most recent Burns, S. and Lamont, G. (2019). Values and Visions: Engaging Students, Refreshing Teachers

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UK Youth

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UK Youth

UK Youth is a leading national charity that exists to ensure all young people are equipped to thrive and empowered to contribute at every stage of their lives.

UK Youth provides young people with life skills, delivered through a network of local youth organisations which make up the UK Youth Movement. The UK Youth Movement is made up of over 5,500 local youth organisations. Together, we deliver innovative youth services with a focus on personal and social skills development to more than 100,000 young people every year. We grow effective practice and campaign to increase support for all young people in the UK and the 1.6 million young people reached through our network.

Never has there been a more crucial time for organisations to work with young people. 91% of young people supported by UK Youth face at least one barrier to progression; from being in care, experiencing homelessness to having a disability or poor mental health.

We work in partnership with local youth clubs and organisations to deliver high-quality services, grow good practice and campaign to increase nationwide investment and support for young people and youth work.

For many young people, their youth worker can be one of the only people they can talk to, and their club is the only space they have to develop their voice, explore their character and realise their full potential. We stand with youth to ensure their voices are heard as we continue to campaign with them to have access to life-changing opportunities.

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UCL Centre for Holocaust Education

UCL Centre for Holocaust Education

UCL Centre for Holocaust Education

The Centre is part of the UCL Institute of Education, consistently ranked number one in the world for education.

The UCL Centre for Holocaust Education is the only institution in the world to combine research into classroom needs with ITE, CPD, MA and PhD programmes specifically designed to meet the challenges of teaching the Holocaust and related contemporary issues. All of the Centre’s taught programmes are offered free of charge to teachers and schools and are robustly underpinned by school-based research (e.g., the Centre’s two landmark research studies centred on teaching and learning involved 10,000 students and 2,000 teachers). The Centre has worked with c. 12,000 teachers and offers extensive support for more than 150 Beacon Schools nationwide. Although the primary focus of the Centre’s work is on improving how the Holocaust is taught and understood, its expert team of educational professionals recognise that the complex issues and challenges raised by the Holocaust relate to many other contemporary concerns. As a result the Centre is committed to developing programmes to challenge contemporary antisemitism, racism, prejudice, hate speech, and other negative forms of social division. In addition, through the lens of the Holocaust, the Centre’s programmes educate students to consider the societal nature of genocide and the damaging implications for societies which have no respect for difference and diversity, but rather systematically engage in prejudice, exclusion, persecution and crimes against humanity. The Centre also works in collaboration with schools to respond to core safeguarding issues, the Prevent agenda, growing intolerance and the rise of political extremism.

The UCL Centre for Holocaust Education has produced two national research studies which are freely available on its website.

The Centre has also produced a series of research briefings which offer teachers a summary of the Centre’s research findings and their implications for practice.

Information on these offers can be found here:

Over the past ten years Centre staff have produced a wealth of research articles and book chapters some of which are featured on the Centre’s website. More recently, in September 2020, the Centre has produced a multi authored book focused on teaching about the Holocaust. It can be downloaded free of charge from the UCL Press website.


Also available to teachers free of charge is a set of KS3 history textbooks focused on teaching about the Holocaust. Published by Hodder Education this landmark publication is the world’s first research-informed textbook.


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The Feminist Shop

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The Feminist Shop

Virginia Mendez is the co-founder of The Feminist Shop – an ethical brand that educates on the topic of feminism; a public speaker and a children’s author (also working on a non-fiction for parents and educators at the moment) Multilingual and with 8 years of experience both in big corporate and small international companies, after her second child she decided to put her skills into something that could make a real positive change. She loves public speaking (and speaking in general) and challenging kids and adults to unlearn constrictive stereotypes.

She offer bespoke events and workshops for schools (kids, teachers and parents) and businesses focusing on implicit bias, the effect of gender stereotypes and focusing on awareness and critical thinking tools.

Her book Mika & Lolo is translated in 5 languages and it’s one of the reasons for having been recognised as one of the 145 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2020 by Diverse In Globaland. Her vision of creating an impactful ethical business also won her an award as one of the Top 100 UK #iAlso f:Entrepreneur 2020

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The Female Lead

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The Female Lead

The Female Lead is an educational charity dedicated to finding the factors that limit women’s choices, fulfilment, and success. By listening to women through their stories, and understanding them through research and data, we aim to influence schools, business, and government in order to drive real change.

Founded by data entrepreneur Edwina Dunn OBE, the project highlights the breadth of female achievement in order to offer inspiration for future generations.

We offer a variety of spaces to present these stories including a book of 60 amazing women, donated to 18,000 schools in the UK and USA. We also have videos, a podcast, an engaged online and social presence and an outreach programme in schools, celebrating female role models who shape the world.

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Stonewall was founded in 1989 in response to Section 28, which was overturned in England and Wales in 2003, the same year that Stonewall became a registered charity.

Stonewall works with thousands of schools, colleges and settings to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and to create LGBT inclusive spaces, so that all children and young people can thrive. This is through membership programmes, awards, training for staff and best practice resources and research.


Shut Out: the experiences of LGBT young people not in education, training or work (2020)

Stonewall School Report (2017)


Best practice toolkits and resources for LGBT inclusion in schools, colleges and settings

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